About Us

The J&C Story
Let us tell you the story of a mother.
A mother who only wants the best for her child. When she looked around, she realised it was up to her to create something good. Not only for her child, but for the children of the entire nation. Something responsible, but also something fun. A unique brand that new-age parents trust and share values with; to encourage their child’s holistic growth and individuality.
Jibble & Cuzzi was created to help kids lead the change. We create a world where the parents and kids learn from each other. We teach them how to write their own stories. Where they trip and tumble, but always get back on their feet. We appreciate being unique, confident and free.
Why us
Our products are built with three main pillars of thought:
Fit that is functional, practical & comfortable. Jibble & Cuzzi promises a fit and finish that put’s a happy smile on the face of parents and children. Every product is thoughtful & designed for comfort keeping in mind that the smallest of details for your young little superheroes.
Eco-friendly (Sustainable Materials & UPF 50+) We ensure that the materials we use is not only friendly in nature but drives a positive impact on the wellbeing of the earth. And, if it’s safe for the earth we ensure that it is safe for your child’s lifestyle."


Good Weave

FSC - Forests For All Forever
